Saturday, March 9, 2013

Well I was hoping to start off my very first blog with “Happy Spring”, however, get ready again seems more appropriate!  We seem to be experiencing the winter effect later this year and it certainly is making it more difficult for our pet companions and ourselves.  Animals sense the change in the barometric pressure much more acutely than we do; so when the weather fluctuates so drastically it makes them go stir crazy too. You know that old saying “Spring Fever”?  Well it truly is a real thing for pets and people.  I know my Golden Retriever, Molly, is going through an anxious phase when the weather prevents us from walking with her buddies. She has a serious crush on quite the handsome Labradoodle, Harley.  The days she does not get a romp in with him are long in our house and Molly follows me from room to room.  Being a runner, I have always appreciated the importance of exercise as my sanity keeper, but I just recently realized how imperative it is for our canine companions. When we exercise our pets, they are not only happier but less destructive and more content.  So when spring finally clears the corner, get out and walk, run or skip with your furry pal.

Another recent concern is toxic ingestions, such as raisins and grapes.  Certain cats and dogs are very sensitive to these items and they may cause kidney issues.  Many of us moms carry snacks in our purses/totes for the little ones and this seems to be where the problems begin.  Apparently, raisins smell delicious and are sought out…. So put them up high please.  Please call us immediately if there is ever a question about whether an item is toxic or not, the sooner the better.

I also realize how tough it is to get everything in, school functions, sports, dentist appointments, grocery shopping, I could go on forever!  So we are trying to make life easier with your pets. We are open late two nights per week and on Saturday to accommodate your schedules.  We also were asked to make healthcare plans for the annual needs or wellness, so we did.  The economic duress has affected us all and I have strived to continue caring for pets in a time where most people cannot even afford to cover their basic costs.  I try to buy local and am loyal to small businesses within our community. I hope you do the same.  We must stick together as Americans.